Familial Lipodystrophy:
A Life Study by the Patient

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  After I got off the progesterone, my tryglycerides came back down to their usual 600+ range. This past December and January, I lost about 12 lb. in 6 weeks. My sugar was fine. But after I lost the weight, my tryglycerides went up to over 1100 and my cholesterol went from 200+ to 380+. And I had lost 12 lb.!

My endocrinologist put me on triclor. I had been taking lipitor for a lot of years and never saw an improvement on my tryglycerides, yet my cholesterol was never high. I go off of lipitor, and my cholesterol went up.

I guess I should mention here that I took myself off of lipitor. I tend to self-medicate. However, I haven’t had a doctor that had a real problem with that. I do know more about my body than anyone else does and I’m not stupid.

I couldn’t see to continue to take the lipitor, which is very expensive, when it wasn’t helping the problem. And it could have possible negative effects on my liver, which I don’t need. My liver enzymes have been better since I’ve been off of lipitor.

I saw my kidney doctor yesterday, (3/31/03) and he told me that my tryglycerides were 600+. So it seems that the triclor is having an effect. But I’m having a resurgence of fat deposits all over my body They are little red bumps that have visited me twice before.
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The first time, they stayed about 3 months. I had a biopsy performed because no one had ever seen this before.

The second visit lasted nearly a year, was excruciatingly painful and covered my entire body. I have many scars from that visit. I am dreading this next visit. My hands are the only part of me that is affected right now. They are very sensitive to pain. But they are not coming up as fast as they have before. I’m truly hoping that the triclor has stopped it.

Besides the little red fat deposits, I have huge lymphomas covering my neck and upper back and chest that have come up over the last few months. My endocrinologist was a little concerned when I saw him last month. He asked me if my breathing had been affected. It hadn’t but he told me that if the lymphomas got worse, I might have to see a plastic surgeon. I’m hoping the triclor will help the large lymphomas as well.